
My cats, boyfriend and I are all safely moved to our new home!! Sorry for my lack of sims posts these last few days, my queue got all caught up to my most recent play session and I’ve been too busy to play anymore (we were having some issues with the moving company. If you ever move and you’re in the U.S. don’t ever choose Pac-N-Go, they’re horrible, took them a month to get our things to us and they broke my book cases and a desk… the damage isn’t too bad, we can fix them, but it’s annoying) 😧 

I’ve got good news, though! We finally got our things delivered yesterday and one of the things the movers had was the usb that has my laptop’s recovery things on it, and that usb had a software we didn’t re-install when we had to get a new hard-drive which I needed for Sims 3 to be able to run, and now I’ve got it and I can finally play my Sims 3 again!!! I’ve missed this game so much!!!!! 😭 

I want to make a Sims 3 challenge for simblr sometime soon, but it’ll probs take me a while b/c I always re-decorate every single lot in whatever world I use… But I’m so excited to finally get to play this again! Gotta re-install all my store content first, though…… That will probs take up most of today LOL 

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