🍁Autumn This or That Tag🍂

Halloooooo!! I was tagged to do this by @kymmaisims and fall is my favorite season and I’m excited to do this so thanks for tagging me!!!

“Autumn” or “Fall”?
I actually use both pretty frequently. I can’t stick to just one. 😂

Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?
I love both but Apples always win~ 🍎🍏

Halloween or Thanksgiving?
Halloween! Though, I call it Samhain ‘cuz I’m Wiccan. 👻

Cashmere or Flannel?
Neither  >.>;

Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
I love being out on cool and crisp days, sipping on hot apple cider, and enjoying all of those wonderful fall scents! (That’s honestly what I miss the most from the state I grew up in now that I’m living in Cali)

Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?
I’ve never had a fireplace, though I much prefer a bonfire to a candle. I do love candles too tho. But fire wins. 🔥

Cinnamon or Nutmeg?

Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
I watch a lot of Disney movies, but I read books more often than I watch movies. Though I binge cartoon/tv shows more than I do both of those…

Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas?
As much as I love Nightmare Before Christmas, I gotta pick Halloweentown. I always was most excited to see Halloweentown airing on tv every year as I was growing up the most~

Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?

Wool Socks or Slippers?
Neither, I’m always barefoot.

Trick or Treat?
gimme the snacc 🍬

Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?

Jack or Sally?

Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Neither. I don’t know what Are You Afraid of the Dark is, and I don’t like Goosebumps rip

Coffee or Tea?
Drink tea erryday 🍵

Studyblr or Halloween Blog?
Never heard of either of these. Everyone should be lookin’ at simblreenofficial tho 😉

Blankets or Pillows?
Blankets! I always wrap myself up like a burrito~

Cabins or Cottages?
I really love lake-side cottages, though I associate that with summer more, ‘cuz I got to spend a lot of my childhood summers in one~

Scary or Spoopy?
I prefer cute spoopy decorations, I don’t like being scared at all. Though my favorite part of this time of year is the increased magical energy, not the commercial-side of everything. The spoops are still fun tho~

Sweaters or Boots?
I love sweaters soooo much!!

Caramel Apples or Candy Apples?
Caramel Apples are love… Caramel Apples are life…
I honestly don’t like Candy Apples much at all. The candy coating just tastes weird when combined with apple taste imo.

Hay Rides or Leaf Peeking?
Hay Rides!!! Going to apple orchards and pumpkin patches is my favorite fall activity, and I love going on hay rides to tour the farm if they’re offered! 😄

And that’s it! This was fun to do so thanks again for the tag! I’m going to pass this along as well: @sassie-sims @sparkiemonkey @memesplayssims @ratbabysimulator @blueossa

p.s. i just want to link this adorable song that i love to play this time of year~

🍁 🍏

Happy Mabon! The Autumn Equinox is here! 🍎


Mabon is known as The Witch’s Thanksgiving, and the Berries have invited their “extended family” (Apple’s vampire clan) over to celebrate the holiday! We’re spending the day being thankful for everything the harvest season has brought us and cherishing our beautiful family~