šŸAutumn This or That TagšŸ‚

Halloooooo!! I was tagged to do this by @kymmaisims and fall is my favorite season and Iā€™m excited to do this so thanks for tagging me!!!

ā€œAutumnā€ or ā€œFallā€?
I actually use both pretty frequently. I canā€™t stick to just one.Ā šŸ˜‚

Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?
I love both but Apples always win~ šŸŽšŸ

Halloween or Thanksgiving?
Halloween! Though, I call it SamhainĀ ā€˜cuz Iā€™m Wiccan. šŸ‘»

Cashmere or Flannel?
NeitherĀ  >.>;

Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
I love being out on cool and crisp days, sipping on hot apple cider, and enjoying all of those wonderful fall scents! (Thatā€™s honestly what I miss the most from the state I grew up in now that Iā€™m living in Cali)

Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?
Iā€™ve never had a fireplace, though I much prefer a bonfire to a candle. I do love candles too tho. But fire wins.Ā šŸ”„

Cinnamon or Nutmeg?

Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
I watch a lot of Disney movies, but I read books more often than I watch movies. Though I binge cartoon/tv shows more than I do both of thoseā€¦

Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas?
As much as I love Nightmare Before Christmas, I gotta pick Halloweentown. I always was most excited to see Halloweentown airing on tv every year as I was growing up the most~

Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?

Wool Socks or Slippers?
Neither, Iā€™m always barefoot.

Trick or Treat?
gimme the snaccĀ šŸ¬

Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?

Jack or Sally?

Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Neither. I donā€™t know what Are You Afraid of the Dark is, and I donā€™t like Goosebumps rip

Coffee or Tea?
Drink tea erryday šŸµ

Studyblr or Halloween Blog?
Never heard of either of these. Everyone should be lookinā€™ at simblreenofficial tho šŸ˜‰

Blankets or Pillows?
Blankets! I always wrap myself up like a burrito~

Cabins or Cottages?
I really love lake-side cottages, though I associate that with summer more,Ā ā€˜cuz I got to spend a lot of my childhood summers in one~

Scary or Spoopy?
I prefer cute spoopy decorations, I donā€™t like being scared at all. Though my favorite part of this time of year is the increased magical energy, not the commercial-side of everything. The spoops are still fun tho~

Sweaters or Boots?
I love sweaters soooo much!!

Caramel Apples or Candy Apples?
Caramel Apples are love… Caramel Apples are life…
I honestly don’t like Candy Apples much at all. The candy coating just tastes weird when combined with apple taste imo.

Hay Rides or Leaf Peeking?
Hay Rides!!! Going to apple orchards and pumpkin patches is my favorite fall activity, and I love going on hay rides to tour the farm if theyā€™re offered! šŸ˜„

And thatā€™s it! This was fun to do so thanks again for the tag! Iā€™m going to pass this along as well: @sassie-sims @sparkiemonkey @memesplayssimsĀ @ratbabysimulator @blueossa

p.s. i just want to link this adorable song that i love to play this time of year~

Favorite Series Tag

Rules: Using gifs, list your favorite series of all time without using
titles. They donā€™t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many
people you like.Ā 

I was tagged to do this by @sassie-simsĀ šŸ’–Ā 
Thanks for tagging me!! Now everyone can see how much of a weeb I am lelĀ 

Iā€™m going to tag: @amygdelightsĀ @memesplayssims @itspancaakes @cowplant-pizza @hungry-cowplant @kymmaisims @sparkiemonkeyĀ 



Am I allowed to add like a series of movies? Like, these are all stand-alone movies, but I really love everything that Studio Ghibli madeĀ (so far loving Studio Ponoc too, which is Ghibliā€™s successor if you didnā€™t kno)
so here have a Kiki gifĀ šŸ’–Ā 


and lastly putting in a special mention pic for Owl House! I know itā€™s not out yet but Iā€™m so excited for this!! Itā€™s everything I need in a cartoon/story and I know Iā€™m gonna fall in love with it:Ā 


Bold Tag

So Iā€™m 5ever late responding to this and I should probs go scroll through my activity sometime soon b/c thereā€™s probs other tags in there that I havenā€™t noticed yet and Iā€™m so sorry for being such a bad mutual to you lovelies. I really do love following you all and I love getting tagged in things like this! I just havenā€™t been keeping up with tumblr much lately aside from trying to keep my queue fullĀ ā€˜cuz Iā€™ve got a lot going on irl. BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH PLEASE SPAM MEā£ā£Ā šŸ’˜Ā 

Anywho! Thank you @kymmaisims for tagging me in this!!Ā 

The rule for this tag is to bold anything that applies to you. So here I go~Ā 

AIR: I have small hands Ā ā€¢ I love the night sky ā€¢ I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by ā€¢ I drink herbal tea ā€¢ I wake to see dawn ā€¢ The smell of dust is comforting ā€¢ Iā€™m valued for being wise ā€¢ I prefer books to music ā€¢ I meditate ā€¢ I find joy in learning new truths from the world around meĀ 

FIRE: I donā€™t have straight hair ā€¢ I like to wear ripped jeans ā€¢ I play an organised sport ā€¢ I love dogs ā€¢ I am not afraid of adventure ā€¢ I love to talk to strangers ā€¢ I always try new foods ā€¢ I enjoy road trips ā€¢ Summer is my favorite season ā€¢ My radio is always playingĀ 

WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists ā€¢ I love the bustle of the city ā€¢ I have more than one set of piercings ā€¢ I read poetry ā€¢ I love the sound of a thunderstorm ā€¢ I want to travel the world ā€¢ I go to sleep past midnight almost every night ā€¢ I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs ā€¢ I re-watch kids/teen shows out of nostalgia ā€¢ I see emotions in colors, not wordsĀ 

EARTH: I wear glasses ā€¢ I enjoy doing the laundry ā€¢ I am a vegetarian or vegan ā€¢ I have an excellent sense of time ā€¢ My humor is very cheerful ā€¢ I am a valued adviser to my friends ā€¢ I believe in true love ā€¢ I love the chill of mountain air ā€¢ Iā€™m always listening to music ā€¢ I am highly trusted by the people in my lifeĀ 

AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life ā€¢ I make my own artwork ā€¢ I keep on track of my tasks and time ā€¢ I always know true north ā€¢ I see beauty in everything ā€¢ I can always smell flowers ā€¢ I smile at everyone I pass by ā€¢ I always fear history repeating itself ā€¢ I have recovered/am recovering from a mental disorder ā€¢ I can love unconditionallyĀ 

And Iā€™m going to tag @sassie-sims @memesplayssims @itspancaakes @flowerhoneysims @ratbabysimulator @jayeless-sims @mellocakes @rosemint-sims @hungry-cowplant @vintageplumbobs @blueossa @sparkiemonkey @adsims4lw and @maladi777 to do this!Ā 

(tho if youā€™ve already done this feel free to just ignore me and maybe if you want message me where youā€™ve already posted this so i can stalk you more ā™”)Ā 

Pass the happy! When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications Have a wonderful day!

This is so cute! I also got this from @maramaja06 and @sassie-sims, so instead of answering it multiple times Iā€™ll just tag you guys here~Ā 

Iā€™ve answered something similar to this before, so I think Iā€™ll either go more in depth since last time my answers were a bit vague, or Iā€™ll try to put new answers.

1. My kitties!!! Their names are Abigail and Tigger. Abbie is the sass queen and Tigger is hyper and adorable af. šŸ˜»Ā 

2. I love New Age books and books about astrology~ When it comes to fiction I love fantasy (I already listed my favorite fiction books in this tag). I like sci-fi if itā€™s a heavy comedy, like Hitchhikerā€™s Guide to the Galaxy, but most sci-fi Iā€™m not fond of because itā€™s mostly action or thrillers, which is not my thing.Ā 

3. I liek gamez. The Sims is a favorite, obviously. I also love the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series, Rune Factory 4, Stardew Valley, Mabinogi, and Monster Prom!!Ā 

4. I like to practice writing a lot. I know itā€™s rare for me to put a lot of writing into my sims blog, I mostly do that if I feel story narative is needed for a specific life event, and just have my gameplay speak for itself most of the time. But thatā€™s because I do a lot of writing thatā€™s just for myself and my creative juices and ability to focus can only last for so long. I have 4 journals that I write in frequently: my dream journal, a research journal (writing research on tarot cards and other witchy things mostly), my diary (mostly use that for assessing my emotions and working through anxiety, etc.) and then my Book of Shadows! Though, anything that makes it into my BoS was already in my research journal first. Gotta try everything out first before it goes into my fancy book šŸ’–Ā 

5. I love music. Iā€™ve played flute since I was 14 and I always have background music playing whenever Iā€™m doing anything. I really canā€™t function without it. Those 10 hour rainy jazz cafe videos on youtube are my life, and I have specific playlists for every holiday I celebrate and for every mood Iā€™d like to feel (serene, joyful, hyped up, etc.). If Iā€™m doing ritual itā€™s so much more powerful with music, and a song can easily make me feel excited or make me cry. (especially if Iā€™m the one playing the music, though since graduating school I unfortunately donā€™t use my flute as often as I used to).Ā 
Music is my favorite form of art, though I donā€™t practice it as much as I practice writing. Thatā€™s probably because Iā€™m a gemini and we love to talk to ourselvesā€¦ It just comes naturallyā€¦ >.>;Ā 

The Dinner PartyĀ 

I was tagged for this by @maladi777 and @sassie-sims šŸ’–Ā 
Thanks so much for the tags :D!Ā 

Rules: Youā€™re having a dinner party and must invite 5 sims made by other simmers to dine with you. Who do you choose and why? Then tag any 5 simmers to do the same!

Ok! Iā€™ll be naming everyone going in order from left to right in the photo set~Ā 

1. Delilah by @rosemint-simsĀ 
I chose her because she is so strong, sweet, and a survivor!! >:O!Ā 
I want to teleport her away from her awful planet and give her all teh foods!!!Ā 

2. Tony Corleonesi by @maladi777Ā 
I chose him because he makes me drool. He may be a hit man but he is so fine and charismatic af šŸ˜Ā 

3. Kendall Abbott by @sassie-simsĀ 
With Tony invited to this party, weā€™ll need a good cop to make sure thereā€™s no funny business going on between the house guests, and Kendall is the best cop I know! šŸ˜€Ā 

4. Oz Boedell by @mwgaybachelorĀ 
Weā€™ve got a cop and a womanizing serial killer at this party. Letā€™s invite a mind reader too and see what happens. >:3Ā 

5~8 below have been chosen because I need some HOT BABES at this party. And yaā€™ll are some hot babes. šŸ˜‰Ā 

5. Rhett Matthews by @jayce0125-deactivated20180619Ā 

6. Tea Mach by @berrybeans and @memesplayssims (same person, two blogs! one for sims 4 and one for sims 3)Ā 

7. Viola Mays by @kymmaisimsĀ 

8. Noemi Brooks by @mellocakesĀ 

and then last (but not least!)Ā 
9. Jessica Hammond by @itspancaakes has been chosen to cater this party. MWUAHAHAHAHAAAA~Ā 

This was so fun to do!!Ā 
I tag everyone that Iā€™ve already mentioned above (if you havenā€™t done it already), and anyone else that wants to do this too! If youā€™re reading this right now, u wasnā€™t tagged, but u wanna do this, slap my name as your tagger!! Donā€™t feel weird about it! Just do it!!Ā ā™” ā™” ā™”Ā 

Uplifting Songs Tag

Rules: Pick a song that lifts your mood. Pick 10 people. Lift them up. Keep it going (no obligation) Share the music, share the love.Ā 

I was tagged by @maladi777Ā ā™”Ā 

I have a lot of songs that lift my mood, but the one that does it the most for me when I need to pull myself out of the pits of depression is Fire Escape by Andrew McMahon. This song was in the Sims 4 Cats and Dogs trailer and Iā€™m so glad the sims team introduced me to this song because it has become one that I love soooooo much. When I need to get into a better mood I just put this on repeat for literally the whole day.Ā šŸ’–Ā 

And now to tag the next victims!!! MwuahahahaaaĀ šŸ’˜Ā 

@jayce0125 @sassie-sims @demig00d @memesplayssims @mellocakes @ratbabysimulator @vintageplumbobs @sparkiemonkey @simcrush @mwgaybachelorĀ 

SILF = Sims Iā€™d Like to Fā€¦ondle

Thereā€™s surely a sim out there, youā€™d like to fondleā€¦ With your eyes only of course! Ā Well, itā€™s time to tell it to everyone. Donā€™t be shy!Ā 

RULES: Choose a sim made by another simblr youā€™d like to fondle if he/she was realā€¦ and then tag 5 simblrs.Ā 

I was tagged to do this by @mwgaybachelor a while ago, but I took a bitĀ ā€˜cuz I just havenā€™t gotten around to doing the things Iā€™ve been tagged in yet XDĀ 
But I think these things are so fun, and I figured this was an appropriate tag to do on Valentineā€™s Day so HERE WE GO!!Ā 

Ok so, thereā€™s only one sim on this list thatā€™s a trueĀ ā€œsilfā€ for me, and the rest of them I just ship them with their partner very hard and find them quite attractive.Ā 

Now, the one sim that is actually a silf is…Ā 


Tony Corleonesi by @maladi777Ā 
If youā€™re not reading the Heffner Legacy youā€™re missing out. ;DĀ 

Now for the sims I simply ship very much >.>Ā 

There isĀ 


Neo by @flowerhoneysimsĀ 
She has the most beautiful berry sims and Neo is a very beautiful man *0*Ā 



Josh by @mellocakesĀ 
melloā€™s Brooks family is just SO ADORABLE QwQ<3Ā 

and then finally…..Ā 


Am I allowed to add my own sims in this? >.>;;;Ā 
I mean technically Pierce is a townie……Ā 
He makes me swoon errytiemĀ 


Now to tag some victims~~Ā 

I tag: @mellocakes @flowerhoneysimsĀ @maladi777Ā @jayce0125 @memesplayssims @sassie-sims and @jayeless-simsĀ 

Of course, if you donā€™t want to do this you donā€™t have to lelĀ 

End of the Year Tag!Ā 

The Rules: Find your fave pics of your story or your blog in general and post them up in a collage! It can be 1 picture or 100 whatever you want. But just reflect on your fave moments in your story or on your blog. It can be cute moments or pictures youā€™re just really proud of – when youā€™re done tag 5 people or more šŸ™‚ tag me @shysimblr because i wanna see all your collages!!

Thanks for the tag @jayeless-sims!! This looks fun! šŸ˜€Ā 
Iā€™ve chosen 10 of my favorite pictures from The Berry LegacyĀ 

In order, going from top, left to right, they are:Ā 
1. Ashleigh and Vikram becoming best friendsĀ šŸ’•Ā 
2. Ashleigh being beautifulĀ 
3. Apple being… a bearĀ 

(惻惻ļ¼›)Ā Ā 
4. Ashleigh embarrassing herselfĀ 
5. Apple going through a mood swing >.>;Ā 
6. Mint and Pierceā€™s first kissĀ šŸ’˜Ā 
7. More tongue hockey from Pierce and MintĀ 
8. Joaquin and Apple on a date OwO;Ā 
9. Joaquin and Appleā€™s wedding~Ā 
10. Fireworks from Joaquin and Appleā€™s weddingĀ šŸ’–Ā 

Itā€™s hard to pick out just a few favorites because I love my Berries so much QwQĀ 
But these are a few that I either thought were really pretty or they made me giggle. x3Ā 

Now Iā€™m going to tag @sassie-sims @vexellacherry @tskye-arts @jemiidove @memesplayssims and @flowerhoneysims to do this too! (if you want to) šŸ˜›Ā 

Happy New Year, Everyone! šŸ˜€Ā 

Get to know me pt.2

Hello! I was tagged to do this by @jemiidove and @maladi777 šŸ˜€Ā 
Iā€™ve done this once already, but a few of the questions are different this time so Iā€™ll post this link here so you can see what Iā€™ve already answered, and then Iā€™ll go ahead and answer whatā€™s new below!Ā 

p.s. thanks for tagging me! iā€™m a weirdo that gets really excited for these thingsĀ 

Height: 5 foot 4 inches (american measuring system is weird iā€™m sorry)Ā 

Avg. Hours of Sleep: About 7 or 8 hours, unless dreams get weird, then I wake up early and end up taking a nap later on in the day. >w<Ā 

Why I made a tumblr: I want to make simming friends! And I feel like Iā€™m starting to succeed at this! But I still want to make more friends!! I want to share my legacy story with people, and read their stories, and squee over our sims games together. BE MY FRIENDS, DARN IT!!!!!!!!!! >:OĀ 

Followers: 144! Yikes! I need to start prepping a mushy thank you post for 150 followers now >.>Ā 

For those Iā€™m about to tag below, please see my first post too so you get all the questions if you decide to do this!
Ā @grilledsims @memesplayssims @sassie-simsĀ 
Tag! Youā€™re it!Ā 

5 Things Tag

Halloooo!! I was tagged to do this by @maladi777 @jemiidoveĀ and @jayeless-sims!! Thank you guys so much! I love these things!Ā  (ą¹‘ā™”āŒ“ā™”ą¹‘)Ā 

5 Things Youā€™ll Find In My Bag:Ā 
(i donā€™t really keep a lot in my purse, and i donā€™t take my purse with me often)Ā 

  • WalletĀ 
  • PhoneĀ 
  • 3DS (gotta get them streetpasses for ACNL)Ā 
  • TissuesĀ 
  • TrashĀ 

5 Things Youā€™ll Find In My Room:Ā 

  • My AltarĀ ā™”Ā 
  • LaptopĀ 
  • Stuffed animals everywhereĀ 
  • Lots and lots of books and manga on this giant book case that takes up way too much space… >.>;;;Ā 
  • 3 Fans (Florida is hot af)Ā 

5 Things That Make Me Happy:Ā 

  • My Cats!!!Ā 

    (=ā†€Ļ‰ā†€=)Ā  Ā 

  • Friends and FamilyĀ 
  • My CraftĀ 
  • ReadingĀ 
  • GamesĀ 

5 Things Iā€™m Currently Into:Ā 

  • The Lunar Chronicles (a book series that have a sci-fi twist on multiple fairy tales, and all those tales and characters are woven into one story)Ā 
  • pretty obsessed w/ Simblr since I joined this community and am super obsessed with my Berry family so much šŸ’–Ā 
  • Mabinogi and Vindictus (both are MMORPGs)Ā 
  • Religious Studies (am studying various world religions lately)Ā 
  • Wicca will always be my passionĀ ā™”Ā 

5 Things On My To Do List:Ā 

  • Be dragged around by my family to various Winter Holiday events around town almost every week (itā€™s exhausting but fun)Ā 
  • Make my plans for Yule and Christmas (I celebrate Yule for myself and Christmas for my family… And aside from religious differences itā€™s basically the same holiday… SO I GET CHRISTMAS TWICE! HA!)Ā 
  • Make a Winter special for the Berry LegacyĀ šŸ’Ā 
  • I need to do laundry and cleaning and other weekly chores today…Ā 
  • Drink moar tea. Never enuf.Ā 

I Tag:Ā @memesplayssims @jacazul @sassie-sims @mellocakes @violetliliethĀ